
Express to Impress

Owning your individual style and personality is key to unlocking the power of confidence. Express your true self to make an indelible first impression.

True creativity comes from within, as does your attitude. By expressing yourself honestly, you can own the power of your narrative. And by owning the power of your narrative, you can dictate how you show up in the world. So whatever flag you wave, wave it confidently to let the world now that you have arrived, you are proud, and you are seen!

Be you, do you. Express to Impress.


Hello Wisconsin…

…as well as the rest of the world.

Welcome to my blog. This blog is my vehicle to share all things creative that I discover on my inspirational journey. I am currently a creative director with experience working with some big food brands. I have participated in all aspects of creative production. I am a photographer, videographer, editor, copywriter, art director, and musical to name a few. I enjoy everything about being creative. I can look inside myself and create while in solitude, or I can thrive in a collaborative setting with many creative minds.

Either way, I believe in pushing the bounds of creative expression and taking risks. What can I do that hasn’t been done before? How can I create the next big idea? These are the questions that motivate and drive me to create art. I am very intentional with the use of the word art. Creativity is about creating art. We obviously are driven to achieve commerce goals, but I never lose sight of the fact that I am creating art first. By staying true to the art, the creative expression is authentic and it ultimately resonates with the audience. If that “realness” is achieved, I believe that the commercial success will follow.

Thanks for stopping by, and here’s to inspiring ideas, open thought, and awesome creativity!