
Hello Wisconsin…

…as well as the rest of the world.

Welcome to my blog. This blog is my vehicle to share all things creative that I discover on my inspirational journey. I am currently a creative director with experience working with some big food brands. I have participated in all aspects of creative production. I am a photographer, videographer, editor, copywriter, art director, and musical to name a few. I enjoy everything about being creative. I can look inside myself and create while in solitude, or I can thrive in a collaborative setting with many creative minds.

Either way, I believe in pushing the bounds of creative expression and taking risks. What can I do that hasn’t been done before? How can I create the next big idea? These are the questions that motivate and drive me to create art. I am very intentional with the use of the word art. Creativity is about creating art. We obviously are driven to achieve commerce goals, but I never lose sight of the fact that I am creating art first. By staying true to the art, the creative expression is authentic and it ultimately resonates with the audience. If that “realness” is achieved, I believe that the commercial success will follow.

Thanks for stopping by, and here’s to inspiring ideas, open thought, and awesome creativity!